Coding CS4All

I do not think that everyone should learn to code. It is a great idea to give everyone the chance to learn to and about code but should not be required. Making it a required thing will just make many people hate it the same way they might hate a math or science class. Learning […]

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Internet Trolls

There are at least two types of troll or trolling in the internet. There are “innocent” trolls that just try to mess a bit with people online just like a friend would. The other kind of internet troll is the one that is trying to harm or bully someone and this is the one causing […]

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Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality is an attempt to regulate the internet service providers so that all consumers have access to the internet without any sort of favoring or blocking to certain types of content. In simple terms it means that an internet service provider ( ISP ) cannot slow down your connection to Netflix or YouTube just […]

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Project 03

Now a days many of services we use online are considered to be in the cloud. The fact that they use the cloud has certain trade-offs we must considered like needing a constant internet connection which some services have go around by providing its user the ability to download files for offline use. For example […]

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Reverse Engineering

I think it is ethical for companies to have DRM. All of these companies are simply trying to protect their work like anyone else would and attempting to combat piracy. Most people that are against DRM probably have never made any digital goods and have had to deal with piracy affecting their sales. It is […]

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Patent Stuff

A patent is a special license granted to an individual or corporation so that they can protect their intellectual property rights from others attempting to make, use or sell them. Intellectual property rights can be inventions, trademarks, industrial designs, and many other forms of creative works. Now the idea of granting a patent can be […]

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Cloud Computing

The “Cloud” is another buzzword for what has always been just a data or server center. There are definitely new technologies develop to create what is now known as the “Cloud” but the word was mostly created as a marketing ploy for the consumers to understand. Some technologies like Condor which has been around since […]

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Edward Snowden

Like so many other things in this world, there are two sides when it comes to Edward Snowden. At the time of the leak many considered him a hero for sticking it to the “man” around the world while here in the US he has always been considered a traitor. In my opinion he is […]

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Project 02

Getting The Job – PDF By Tyler Cummings, Victor Hawley, Tom Luppi, Norman Morales One of the most important parts of the guide is when should students start preparing for an interview. I did not start preparing until after I had already gotten an interview which most people would think its fine but in reality it […]

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Boeing Computer Security

Starting on 2004 Boeing has been having problems relating to their computer system’s security. Its seems that they have not being compliant with Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002. The Sarbanes-Oxley act is there to protect shareholders and the company from any sort of financial fraud but Boeings system have been open to potential manipulation, theft and […]

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