Project 03

Now a days many of services we use online are considered to be in the cloud. The fact that they use the cloud has certain trade-offs we must considered like needing a constant internet connection which some services have go around by providing its user the ability to download files for offline use. For example something like Google Docs is convenient because you can access all your documents anywhere where there is an internet connection but otherwise you might find yourself without access to your work or having an older copy. So it is important to considere some of the trade-offs that a cloud based service has.

One service that can be somewhat polarizing is cloud based password manager. These service make it easier to keep your passwords secure by giving their user a master password to use to login into all of the accounts they might have around the web that way they do not have to remember dozens of different passwords. The problem is the fact that some people do not like the idea of having their passwords on the cloud but I like the convenience. Also I can have better passwords rather than having the same password and changing small parts for different websites.

We could reach a point where its better to manage our own private cloud but for now I do not think it is worth it. If you manage your own service then if you setup anything wrong then if you ever get hacked or something goes wrong you could lose your data for ever while a big company has many backups and probably much better security. The convenience of having your own service is that you get to control everything so you could make it more convenient for you or have as strict security requirements as you would like.


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